Mumbai, 16 August 2024: Amazon miniTV – Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently released the second season of their modern-day fairytale drama – Tujhpe Main Fida, featuring Rudraksha Jaiswal and Nikeet Dhillon in lead roles. Produced by BBC Studios Productions, this new season is a masterful blend of romance, passion, and suspense that keeps viewers enthralled and invested in the twists and turns. Directed by Mann Singh Manku, this 10-episodic series unravels the complexities between Marcus and Aaira as they get drawn deeper into the dangerous mysteries of Cole Town.
Nikeet Dhillon, who plays Aira in the series, shares her favorite scene, “My favorite scene to shoot was near the end of Season 2, where Aira’s mother, Tara, goes missing, and Aira is frantically searching for her. I discovered that I enjoy portraying Aira’s vulnerable and emotional moments, especially when she is battling with her inner turmoil.”
She further added, “In this scene, Aira’s blend of emotional breakdown and fierce determination made it incredibly powerful to play. My knees became weak as I portrayed her struggle, crying while searching for her mother like a warrior. It was a roller coaster of emotions, and when we finally heard “cut,” everyone was in tears, deeply moved by the moment. That emotional connection made the scene truly special for me.”
Tujhpe Main Fida S2 is now streaming exclusively on Amazon miniTV for free within Amazon’s shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, and Smart TVs, or download the app from the Play Store.
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