The Chances Of Heart Attack Are The High In Winter

The Chances Of Heart Attack Are The High In Winter

Dr Shehnawaz Purkait

Dr M S Purkait, Medical Superintendent, Techno India DAMA Hospital

During winters we need to remember that there is an increase in pollutants and their dispersion. This can trigger inflammation thus aggravating breathing difficulty in asthmatics and smokers. Due to a drop in temperature, the heart has to work harder thus there is an additional stress on the heart making heart attacks more common in winters.

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During the cold season there is constriction of blood vessels causing blood pressure to spike in hypertensive patients giving rise to increased occurrence of brain strokes. Similarly, an increase in cholesterol in diet can cause clogging of blood vessels.

We thus need to exercise, eat in moderation and hydrate properly by drinking sufficient amounts of water which can be lukewarm. We should wear layers of clothing and avoid exposure to extreme weather. Hand hygiene and other preventive measures go a long way to keep us safe.

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