Rotary Bangalore Midtown Plays Crucial Role in National Immunization Day at Srirampuram Primary Health Centre

Rotary Bangalore Midtown Plays Crucial Role in National Immunization Day at Srirampuram Primary Health Centre

Rotary Bangalore Midtown exhibited a profound commitment to community welfare by extending multifaceted support to the Primary Health Centre in Srirampuram, Bangalore, during the National Immunization Day (Pulse Polio Day) on March 4, 2024. This collaborative effort aimed to ensure the success of the immunization drive and contribute to the nation’s ongoing efforts to eradicate polio.

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 The Srirampuram Primary Health Centre, catering to a significant population in the area, played a pivotal role in administering the polio vaccine on National Immunization Day. Rotary Bangalore Midtown, well-known for its commitment to community service, stepped forward to provide crucial support in various aspects of organizing and executing the immunization campaign.

 Rotary Bangalore Midtown played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of the immunization drive by providing financial assistance. This support allowed the Primary Health Centre to meet various operational needs.
Recognizing the invaluable contribution of volunteers, Rotary Bangalore Midtown took the initiative to pay incentives to these dedicated individuals. This gesture not only acknowledged their hard work and commitment but also served as a motivating factor, encouraging sustained participation in future community initiatives.

 Understanding the importance of maintaining the energy and morale of volunteers throughout the day, Rotary Bangalore Midtown took the responsibility of arranging breakfast and lunch for them. This ensured that the volunteers were well-nourished, allowing them to carry out their duties effectively and contribute optimally to the success of the immunization drive.

 Effective communication is essential for the success of any community health campaign. Rotary Bangalore Midtown took charge of the publicity aspect by covering the charges for hiring two auto rickshaws for spreading awareness about National Immunization Day in Srirampuram. This ensured that information about the event reached every corner of the community, maximizing participation.

 In addition to financial and logistical support, Rotary Bangalore Midtown also attended to the comfort and identity of the volunteers by providing them with caps. These caps not only served a practical purpose by shielding volunteers from the sun but also created a unified and easily recognizable presence, fostering a sense of camaraderie among the team.

 A total of 2095 children were vaccinated in this centre. The comprehensive support provided by Rotary Bangalore Midtown to the Srirampuram Primary Health Centre on National Immunization Day stands as a testament to the organization’s dedication to community well-being. By addressing the financial, logistical, and personal needs of volunteers, Rotary Bangalore Midtown contributed significantly to the success of the immunization drive, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach in community service. This collaborative effort showcases the positive impact that a community and an organization can achieve when working hand-in-hand towards a shared goal.

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