“Dyslexia Day and Mental Health Week are celebrated at Divya Kala Mela, Secunderabad”

“Dyslexia Day and Mental Health Week are celebrated at Divya Kala Mela, Secunderabad”

Secunderabad, October 11, 2023: Divya Kala Mela- a national-level fair for Persons with Disabilities has been organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India in the open ground of Picket Garden, near JBS Secunderabad. This fair was inaugurated by Ms. Pratima Bhowmik, Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment on October 6, 2023. It is noteworthy that this fair is an attempt to develop disabled people as entrepreneurs and craftsmen and to give them opportunities for development.

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In such fairs and exhibitions, stalls are allotted free of cost to disabled people so that they can showcase their talent in the big city and on the big stage. In this fair, more than 100 disabled artisans/artists, and entrepreneurs from about 20 states/union territories are showcasing their products and skills.


At this fair, delicious dishes from all over the country can be tasted, and colorful cultural programs are being presented by national artists every day from 6 to 10 p.m. Presentations by disabled persons from different states and national level artists were also given on the stage of the fair, which were highly appreciated by the people. At the fair, information is being given about the schemes of the Government of India related to the disabled.

In this fair, a public awareness campaign on the disease called Dyslexia was conducted on October 8, 2023. October 8, 2023, the day is being celebrated as World Dyslexia Day in the country and the world. The entire month of October is celebrated as “Dyslexia Month”. A workshop on dyslexia was organized by NDFDC. Information on Dyslexia was also shared with the audience in the cultural program organized in the evening.

On October 9, 2023, an awareness campaign on mental health was conducted in which Ayurvedacharya Dr. Dayanand Sharma, who came from Delhi, guided the disabled people and ordinary citizens present at the fair. It is noteworthy that “Mental Health Week” is being celebrated by NDFDC, the nodal agency of Divya Kala Mela, from the 7th to the 12th of October.

A special medical camp has been organized for the disabled on 9th and 10th October. “Special Employment Fair for Divyangjan” was also organized for Divyangjan on 10th October. In this fair, 7 private sector companies were interviewed approx. 100 persons with disabilities for employment and shortlisted 20 Divyangjan for wage employment. Special public awareness campaigns are also being run in this fair on “World Sight Day” and “White Cane Day”.


National Divyangjan Finance and Development Corporation, a Government of India corporation, is acting as the nodal agency of this fair. Through this fair, work is being done to highlight the creative talent of the disabled and their economic empowerment. The products of the disabled are being marketed through the Divya Kala Mela. National-level fairs are being organized across the country under the brand name Divya Kala Mela. These fairs are bringing the capabilities of skilled divyangjan in front of the country and the world.

He was also informed about the economic empowerment schemes being run by NDFDC for the empowerment of persons with disabilities. Under the schemes of the Corporation, loans ranging from fifty thousand rupees to fifty lakh rupees are provided to disabled people for various income-generating activities. These loans are made available at interest rates ranging from 4% to 9% per annum.

He explained that the Corporation implements its loan schemes through its State Channelizing Agencies, Punjab National Bank, and Regional Rural Banks present in various states. Information about the schemes of the Corporation is available on the website of the Corporation www.nhfdc.nic.in. In the program organized on World Dyslexia Day, lectures were given by CMD NDFDC Shri Naveen Shah and Dr. Dayanand Sharma. On this occasion, NDFDC CMD Shri Naveen Shah said that this national fair of disabled entrepreneurs, craftsmen, and artists will continue till September 24, 2023. Entry into this fair has been kept free for all.

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