Infections during and post-delivery are the third leading cause of Maternal death in our country: Experts

Infections during and post-delivery are the third leading cause of Maternal death in our country: Experts


Hyderabad, December 23, 2024: A panel discussion ‘Enhancing Maternal Outcomes’ was held on Saturday night at the newly opened Green Health Woman & Child Hospital, a GVK Enterprise, a 50-bed hospital, Devarayamjal, Kompally in the city. The motto of the hospitals is providing good health care to mothers and children at affordable cost.

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The panel discussion was organized on the eve of the opening of the hospital. The panel discussion was held as part of CME (Continuous Medical Education)

The panel discussion was moderated by Dr Sunil T Pandya, Chief of Anaesthesia, AIG Hospitals; Dr Raja Narsing Rao, Consultant-EMLC GVK was about improving maternal outcomes is nothing but reducing the number of pregnancy-related deaths and complications.

The Panelists talked about peri-delivery complications and how they can be prevented, diagnosed early, and managed correctly to protect every newborn’s mother during delivery. All these aspects of management enhance or improve the mother’s care and safety during delivery. Infections during delivery and post-delivery are the third leading cause of Maternal death in our country…and this is preventable by early recognition and appropriate strategies to prevent and treat.

The common life-threatening infections that can occur are Dengue, Hepatitis, and Viral pneumonia (Covid / Swine flu, Community-acquired, etc.). Pregnancy in elderly women, IVF conceived, and diabetics possess extra pose another challenge.

The panel was comprised of Anaesthesiologists and obstetricians drawn from various hospitals and discussed various things to support research and reduce preventable causes of maternal deaths. Senior and experienced doctors are participating in this panel discussion

Delivery is not just a life for a baby but also a new life for the mother. Many complications can occur before, during, and after the delivery time.

Most of these complications that impose risk to the mother’s life can be easily prevented or when they happen, they can be managed well to reduce the risk to the mother which is the most important responsibility of the doctor she trusts said Dr Raja Narsing Rao, Consultant-EMLC GVK

The experts deliberated on many important topics to enhance the knowledge and skills of practicing clinicians….thus enhancing Maternal care and also improving both Maternal and neonatal outcomes.

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