Gleaming Grins: The Crucial Role of Dental Health in Wellness

Gleaming Grins: The Crucial Role of Dental Health in Wellness

dental wellness

By Deva Narayan

Dental health has a great impact on us as a whole but tends to be neglected or treated as of less importance during conversations on healthcare issues. From better eating performance to our way of having social contact, the condition of our teeth and gums matters much more than at first glance. Knowing the key aspects of maintaining oral hygiene is the base for a beautiful smile and a healthy life, free of disease.

Most importantly, in addition to this, dental health is very much associated with the ability to sustain a well-balanced diet. Besides swallowing, our teeth are the machines that help us chew our food and break it down into portions that are small enough for digestion. Thus, we need to take good care of our teeth so as not to end up with any dental problems. A decline in oral health can cause many adverse effects on the nutritional intake of a person. For instance, they may have to avoid crunchy and chewy foods. This can lead to a lower nutritional intake and maybe a big factor in many jobs, such as astronauts, for whom health is a top priority. However, other oral health issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, can similarly cause discomfort such as pain, which during eating can also lead to one having a restricted intake of food nutrients.

Additionally, as eloquently put, “the state of dental health is strongly tied to the extent with which people observe good oral hygiene, which is about studying beyond, just, brushing and flossing.” It is a devastating phenomenon when you skip the cleaning and random bits of dried food tissue called plaque start forming at the necks of teeth, and in even worse situations, tartar begins to stick to them to the last point on the surface of the teeth area from which they cannot simply be brushed off. This becomes a rampant problem, a disease that can lead to gingivitis. Apart from that, halitosis or bad breath are among those oral health issues that may range from the aesthetics of human teeth to the smell of their breath.

Poor dental hygiene has also been found to be associated with severe illnesses as in the case of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or respiratory tract infections. Dental health becomes an important issue and maintaining good dental hygiene practices can help to prevent the onset of these systemic diseases.

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