International Tea Day: Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

International Tea Day: Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

International Tea Day: Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

21st May 2024- Every year on May 21, the world comes together to celebrate International Tea Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the cultural and economic significance of tea. From Northeast India, tea has been an integral part of Indian culture and society for centuries. Its importance is reflected in both religious and social customs, illustrating its deep-rooted presence in everyday life. But tea’s influence extends far beyond India’s borders. People worldwide have enjoyed this beverage for thousands of years, and modern research continues to uncover the myriad health benefits associated with tea consumption.

Health Benefits of Tea

Modern medicinal research provides a scientific basis for the ancient belief that drinking tea is a health-promoting habit.

Antioxidants: Tea, especially green and black varieties, is rich in antioxidants. Polyphenols, a group of antioxidants found in tea, have been linked to the healthy regulation of cancer cell growth and survival, leading to a lower risk of developing cancer.

Heart Health: Regular tea consumption is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. The flavonoids in tea can improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function.

Cancer Prevention: Various studies have reported the beneficial effects of regular tea consumption against squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. For instance, a population-based case-control study indicated that hot black tea drinkers had a significantly lower risk of developing this type of skin cancer compared to non-consumers.

Immune Support: The nutrients and minerals found in tea can strengthen the immune system, helping the body ward off illnesses and infections. Some teas, like green tea, have antimicrobial properties that further support immune health.

Hydration and Relaxation: Tea is a hydrating and tasty alternative to water, offering a variety of flavours and aromas. Herbal teas like chamomile are known for their calming effects, helping people relax and sleep better.

Potential Risks of Tea

While tea is generally considered safe and beneficial, it is important to consume it in moderation. Excessive caffeine intake from tea can lead to symptoms such as a faster heartbeat, muscle tremors, headaches, nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. However, these symptoms are more commonly associated with drinking large amounts of coffee, which has significantly more caffeine than tea.


International Tea Day is a reminder of tea’s rich cultural heritage and its numerous health benefits. From its origins in Northeast India to its global popularity, tea has played a vital role in societies around the world.

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