Expert Medical Physicists Gather to Chart New Horizons in Cancer Care

Expert Medical Physicists Gather to Chart New Horizons in Cancer Care

Expert Medical Physicists

New Delhi, India –16th April 2024 – Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre (RGCIRC) successfully concluded the 29th Annual Conference of the Association of Medical Physicists of India (Northern Chapter). Themed “Technological Advancements: Connecting Roots to Future in Cancer Cure,” the event was a critical platform for addressing the escalating cancer cases in India through the lens of advanced medical physics.

The conference spotlighted the crucial role of medical physicists in revolutionizing cancer care through cutting-edge technologies and innovative research. With cancer cases on the rise in India, the application of new technologies, precision, and effective procedures was emphasized as essential for enhancing diagnostic accuracies and treatment efficacies. Renowned speakers from leading institutions globally, including AIIMS and IIT Delhi, shared insights into the latest advancements and the dynamic future of oncological practices.

Dr. D.S. Mehta, Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and one of the guest speakers showcased collaborative research in advanced diagnostic tools that employ optical imaging combined with artificial intelligence to achieve early cancer detection. Dr. Anil Agarwal, Medical Director at G B Pant Hospital and the chief guest, highlighted the vital contributions of medical physicists in improving outcomes for cancer patients. “The evolving role of medical physicists is instrumental in our fight against cancer, especially as we face a rising tide of cases in India,” he remarked.

Dr. Munish Gairola, Director of Radiation Oncology at RGCIRC and the organizing committee chairman, expressed his satisfaction with the event’s success. “This conference has not only set a new benchmark for future forums in the field of medical physics but also outlined clear, actionable strategies to combat the rising incidence of cancer in India through technological innovation. Our collective expertise and commitment to innovation are not just addressing the challenges we face today—they are paving the way for a future where advanced, precise, and compassionate care becomes the norm” he stated.

Over the two-day conference, discussions covered a broad spectrum of topics, from AI integration in diagnostic processes to the latest developments in proton therapy and high-precision radiotherapy techniques. These discussions underscored the need for a multi-faceted approach to cancer treatment, blending traditional medical practices with futuristic technologies to improve patient outcomes across India.

Dr. Ajay Srivastava, Chairman of AMPI-NC and a professor of medical physics at LLRM, Meerut, added, “This conference has once again illuminated the critical role of medical physics in the vanguard of cancer treatment. As we unite the brightest minds in the field, our discussions transcend traditional boundaries, merging cutting-edge technology with clinical precision to forge new pathways in cancer care. The overwhelming participation and rich dialogues here not only reinforce our mission but invigorate our collective resolve to transform patient outcomes through innovation and collaboration.”

Dr. M.K. Semval, President of AMPI-NC, also praised the vital role of Medical Physicists in ensuring the safe and precise application of ionizing radiation for diagnosing and treating cancer.

Dr Manindra Bhushan Mishra, Chief Medical Physicist & Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), and Organizing Secretary of AMPI-NC CON 2024 expressed gratitude to the medical fraternity for their participation and said, “There is a shared commitment to carry forward the knowledge and insights gained, pushing the boundaries of physics and contributing to further advancements in the field.”

The conference also served as a collaborative hub, fostering relationships and setting the stage for future partnerships aimed at combating cancer more effectively. With the participation of experts from various disciplines, the event highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of modern medical treatments and the global effort required to address cancer.

As the curtains fall on AMPI-NC CON 2024, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre (RGCIRC) renews its commitment to spearheading advancements in cancer care, inspired by the pioneering spirit of the medical physics community. The insights garnered from this conference are expected to influence cancer treatment protocols and pave the way for new research initiatives, helping to tackle India’s growing cancer crisis.

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