How hypertension affects our lives

How hypertension affects our lives

World Hypertension Day is celebrated every year globally on 17 May to combat the silent killer that has been causing premature deaths and increasing the rate of mortality. Hypertension is caused due to high blood pressure. Our day-to-day activities play a vital role in our health. About 50% of the world’s population is going through chronic hypertension. Various symptoms of hypertension are severe headache, anxiety, stress, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, breathing difficulties, chest pain, dizziness, and many more. These are caused by having too much salt in our food, no fruit or vegetable consumption, no exercise, excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol, and many more.

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Supriya Mam

According to Prof.(Dr) Supriya Awasthi, Head & Professor, School of Allied Sciences-Hypertension is a chronic disease that affects our lifestyle in various ways. Hypertension may result in healthcare costs, reduced productivity, technology dependency, poor health, and social stigma. It is important to have proper control of our day-to-day activities. One should eat healthy food including pomegranate, papaya, strawberries, avocado, oatmeals, dark chocolates, eggs, oranges, and many more. These will help to reduce stress and anxiety. We should exercise more, limit alcohol consumption, sleep well, avoid smoke, and indulge in physically activities to prevent hypertension.

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