Successful Kidney Transplantation Surgery At Wockhardt Hospital, Nashik
Nashik: We hear stories of unbreakable brother-sister bonds. Another incident that strengthened this bond further took place in Nashik’s Wockhardt Hospital wherein a sister gifted a new life to her brother by donating her kidney. Nephrologists Dr. Anirudha Dhokare and Dr. Shyam Pagar at Wockhardt Hospital, Nashik, and their team took up the challenge to perform this surgery successfully.
Asif Pathan, a 32-year-old from Nashik, was suffering from kidney disease for the past two years. Initially, he underwent various treatments for a year but couldn’t find any relief.An initial check-up revealed that both his kidneys had failed. His world came crashing down upon learning about dialysis. Finally, he was put on dialysis, and continued for a year . This young patient had a blood pressure problem and weakened lungs after Covid. At that time, his sister stood firmly by his side. Of course, her father-in-law’s family gave her that much-needed strength. Since there are still many misconceptions about organ donation or kidney donation in society, it is not easy to come forward and donate a kidney. Nephrologists Dr. Anirudha Dhokare, Dr. Shyam Pagar, and their team gave a new life to the patient by performing a successful kidney transplant.
Nephrologist Dr.Anirudha Dhokare, Dr. Shyam Pagar, Urosurgeon Dr Nandan Vilekar, Dr. Pratikshit Mahajan, and Dr. Pranav Chhajed did the work of transplant. connecting blood vessel was done by Dr. Rahul Kaiche.anaesthetist Kirandeep Sandu and Yogesh Patekar played the important part of painless procedure.
The young man was on dialysis for a year, not having enough blood, making kidney transplants somewhat challenging due to frequent high blood pressure. However, our entire team managed to overcome all the challenges and performed a successful transplant on this patient. After the transplant, the life expectancy of the patient will increase. Due to the low rate of brain-dead, kidney, and other organ donation in India, living donors will have to donate organs. If there is no living donor, the patient
will have to stay on dialysis for a long time. Organ donation is the need of the hour. Organ transplantation remains the only option for this patient to live a long life.
Asif Pathan said, “After this transplant, I am doing my daily activities like before I have no physical problems. The doctors at Wockhardt Hospital gave me a new lease of life. I am forever indebted to them and my family. Organ donation is a Nobel act, and everyone should create awareness about it.”
Pic Source: Gloocal Communication
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